Women's Studies Courses

Fall 2024 Courses for Women’s Studies minor or certificate

For advising assistance email Dr. Mary Triece

Women’s Studies

WMST 200-001 |  Introduction to Women’s Studies  | TTH 1:45-3 
WMST 200-501  | Introduction to Women’s Studies | WWW 
WMST 485-001 | Global Feminisms | TTh 12:15-1:30 
WMST 580-001 (Grad) | Global Feminisms | TTh  12:15-1:30 
WMST 489  | Internship in Women’s Studies | Contact mtriece@uakron.edu  or kkvaran@uakron.edu  
WMST 493 | Individual Studies on Women  | Contact mtriece@uakron.edu  or kkvaran@uakron.edu 

Child and Family Development

CHFD 201-001  | Intimate Relationships |  T 5:15-78:45 
CHFD 265-001 |  Child Development  | WWW 
CHFD 265-002  |  Child Development | WWW 
CHFD 265-003  | Child Development |  WWW 
CHFD 265-770 (Wayne campus)  | Child Development | WWW 
CHFD 442-501  | Human Sexuality | WWW 
CHFD 442-800 | Human Sexuality | WWW 


ENGL 489-001  | Seminar in English (Digital Projects in the Archives, LGBTQ) | MW 3:30-4:45 | Waitlist 
ENGL 589-001 Grad | Seminar in English (Digital Projects in the Archives, LGBTQ)  | MW 3:30-4:45 | Waitlist 


PSYC 474-001 | Psychology of Women | TTH 3:05-4:45  


SOCIO 365-001 | Miss Americana and the Sociology of Pop Culture | TTH 2-3:15 
SOCIO 416-501 | Women and Crime |  WWW 
SOCIO 447-001  | Sociology of Gender and Sexuality | TTH 12:15-1:30 

Contact us

Women's Studies
The University of Akron
Koble Hall 108F ()
